What if you and your co-founders are not enough for launching an MVP?

Evgenii Nelepko
1 min readOct 15, 2021

Should you hire full-time employees? Or is it better to find a freelancer for a specific task?

Here is my point of view. The best option is to hire the most talented employee you can find. A full-time job allows committing employees to ambitious tasks. Also, it allows planning resources with fewer limits. Agile is a startup’s daily breakfast, not the waterfall.
This approach has one big limitation — budget. If founders don’t have enough money to start try another option.

A freelancer helps the team to make a patch in the product and do a specific task. But CEOs have to make sure that their product team can maintain and develop this piece of job in the future. Also, the CEO should talk to a lawyer about possible legal issues. A company can sign a non-compete agreement with a freelancer and NDA.
Do you like the freelancer and their job? Hire them!
Still, have no money for a full-time employee? Ok, now can go to VC. Start with FFF.

