Parting Advice

Evgenii Nelepko
1 min readMay 20, 2022

There is no single path for a perfect founder. Of course, funds like to invest more in experienced founders, but experience is something universal. It can refer to both creating businesses and solving relevant problems over a long period of time.

Some people succeed in launching a successful startup at 16 years old, and some people succeed at 50. The majority of founders do it between 30 and 40. But in your particular case it might be different, it’s just a “normal distribution”. If you pursue the goal of creating a startup, sooner or later you will get there. True, your success may take different forms than what you envisioned at the beginning of your journey. You wanted to build your own startup, but you got a fund. Wanted to build a business problem-solving project aka B2B SaaS, but ended up with a B2C hardware product. The paths of success are inscrutable, but wishes do come true. That’s why they say “be afraid of your dreams”, because they will come true, whether you’re ready for it or not.

Good luck to everyone on this road! If I can help you in any way, don’t hesitate to contact me, I will be glad to help you.

