How do you find the perfect match with a technical founder?

Evgenii Nelepko
2 min readNov 11, 2021

I would like to share my experiences and thoughts. Matching ambition and goals. A startup is launched with an idea, but the idea drives the ambition. Ambition is the fuel for future results. What’s important to talk about?

1. Impact goals. Some wants to create an app for everyone, for millions of users. Others say they want a great product, but for thousands of users. Maybe you want to change the world and get a Nobel Prize. Your partner just wants to publish 2–3 articles in Habr or Wired and get an offer from Google/Tesla. Impact goals affect the company’s growth strategy and mission. Think big together or just find different projects for each other.

2. Money goals. How much money do you and your co-founder want to be happy? 1 billion U.S. dollars? 1 million U.S. dollars? Or just a salary enough to live in the Bay Area? Different scales of ambition dictate different actions and speed toward them. Investors want to see your plan to get X10 ROI in a year. If you have monetary goals but your tech co-founder doesn’t, you have to provide the ideal working conditions and a salary.

3. Functional Roles. Do you both want to be a CEO? Can you be a CBDO and your founder be a CTO? The best thing you can do in this discussion is to create an advisory board. A good board will help you get investors involved and distribute functionality. But the final point is up to you and your co’s.

